Our Team

The AP expert witness  team holds over 100 years of combined experience in software development and consulting, with many of our experts specializing in desktop and mobile software applications. We are well-equipped to support your legal team in nearly every aspect of litigation.

Jim Vance
Senior Director of Operational Services

Mark Mueller
Expertise: OpenGL, Drivers, Embedded Systems, Android, Kernel, C++, Unix/Linux

Chris Hanson
Expertise: 3D Graphics, C++, Telemetry, GPS, GIS, Mapping, OpenGL, Image Analysis and Enhancement, Cryptography, Digital Audio, Sensors, Windows, File Formats, Reverse Engineering

Steve Novak
Expertise:Ethernet (10Gb Xaui, XFI), Memory controllers (SRAM, DRAM, DDR) protocols and designs. Cryptography, FEC (Forward Eror Correction), MAC (Media Access Controller) for DOCSIS and 802.11. Intel, ARM (AHB bus – AXI,AHB, APB), Power PC, MIPS microprocessor architectures and chipsets, MCU integration, PCI, USB, I2C, SPI, DP AUX, JTAG.

Thomas Hogarth
Expertise:OpenGL, OSX, iOS, Android, C++, Java, Objective C, C#, mobile

Bill Coldwell
Expertise: Unix/Linux/BSD, OSX, Kernel, Drivers, Low-level, Assembly, Cryptography, Reverse Engineering

Jeremy Moles
Expertise: Linux, Embedded Systems, Biomedical, Security

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