Our Team Of Experts
Jim Vance
Senior Director of Operational Services
Mark Mueller
Expertise: OpenGL, Drivers, Embedded Systems, Android, Kernel, C++, Unix/Linux
Chris Hanson
Expertise: 3D Graphics, C++, Telemetry, GPS, GIS, Mapping, OpenGL, Image Analysis and Enhancement, Cryptography, Digital Audio, Sensors, Windows, File Formats, Reverse Engineering
Steve Novak
Expertise: Ethernet(10Gb Xaui, XFI), Memory controllers(SRAM, DRAM, DDR) protocols and designs. Cryptography, FEC (Forward Eror Correction), MAC(Media Access Controller) for DOCSIS and 802.11. Intel, ARM (AHB bus – AXI,AHB, APB), Power PC, MIPS microprocessor architectures and chipsets, MCU integration, PCI, USB, I2C, SPI, DP AUX, JTAG.
Thomas Hogarth
Expertise: OpenGL, OSX, iOS, Android, C++, Java, Objective C, C#, mobile
Bill Coldwell
Expertise: Unix/Linux/BSD, OSX, Kernel, Drivers, Low-level, Assembly, Cryptography, Reverse Engineering
Jeremy Moles
Expertise: Linux, Embedded Systems, Biomedical, Security